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Many dermatologists find tazarotene stronger and potentially more irritating than tretinoin; adapalene is the gentlest but may be less effective.

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Not available in select states including MA.MT.NH.NY.and TX.due to state regulations regarding the ability of physicians to dispense prescription drug products in their offices.

You should also avoid using the following products on the skin area where you apply the Tretinoin Cream.

A brief sensation of warmth or stinging may occur immediately after applying the medication. Skin redness.dryness.itching.scaling.mild burning.or worsening of isotretinoin price may occur during the first 2-4 weeks of using the medication. These effects usually decrease with continued use. A daytime moisturizer may be helpful for excessive dry skin (see Notes).

Take this medication by mouth.usually twice a day or as directed by your doctor. It may be taken with food.

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